Monday 28 January 2008

Ze¡TGe¡st---aDdiN' fUel t0 tHe f¡Re

This is the first part of a documentary film called Zeitgeist The Movie, you can find it in their site. This first part is quite aptly named The greatest story ever told. I have been a bit monothematic lastly, so (for a change) I decided to link this video and let it think for me.

I'm not sure if everything that's said is true, but at least it has encouraged me to learn more about what I've been criticizing lately.

Friday 25 January 2008

mAn sYntHes¡zeS (ArT¡f¡c¡al) geN0me

ScienceDaily (Jan. 24, 2008) — A team of 17 researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) has created the largest man-made DNA structure by synthesizing and assembling the 582,970 base pair genome of a bacterium, Mycoplasma genitalium JCVI-1.0. This work, published online today in the journal Science by Dan Gibson, Ph.D., et al, is the second of three key steps toward the team’s goal of creating a fully synthetic organism. In the next step, which is ongoing at the JCVI, the team will attempt to create a living bacterial cell based entirely on the synthetically made genome.

Once I thought that the day we (humanity) were able to create DNA, the belief in a Creator God would be compromised. Nowadays I think that the ones who believe that The Creator God created us in his image and likeness can escape the problem by thinking that been able to create life is just a consecuence.

I'm just happy to read the news and looking forward to own a synthetic alive non-violent pet.

P.S.: By the way, while reading something about believes, I came up to this post. The author claims that logic doesn't rules reality, it caught my attention beacuse in my last posts I just claimed the contrary, that is to say that I believe in logic and that reality is not real, it's just a perception. As I see it, logic is the tool we have to test our perception in order to change it if needed.

Tuesday 1 January 2008

ReaL¡Ty, aRe y0U tHerE?

The reality is nothing more than assuming certain perceptions as unquestionable truths, and since each one of us have our own perceptions which might not agree in some cases, i think that the reality is a paradox, the reality is not real!

In this way, only the people who believe in any kind of God may think that there is an universal observer who knows what reality is and hence, they think that reality do exists and is real.
The interesting point about perceptions (and reality) is that if you are aware of it, you can change (and choose) them. So, in fact, everybody has something to do (in some sense) with their reality.

Here I have an example:

This is a not very known reversible animation from Nobuyuki Kayahara , you may perceive it as turning in one of you ways, namely clockwise or counterclockwise, but it is possible to perceive it turning the other way. I know people with more or less ability to turn their perception and also someones unable to change it, but I think that it is all about opening the mind. I've read that, in this case, the perception (of the turning) is related to the prevailing hemisphere of the brains, I don't think so because I can choose and change the turning way of the dancer as I want.

In the case of our reality, there is like a kind of social agreement of what the reality is. If two or more people perceives a car as red-colored, then the ones who watch it blue (or what else) are freaks or simply color-blind.