Tuesday 10 July 2007

tH¡nK of a PeT for Th¡s bL0g aNd y0u'lL get thinky

While i finish writing my next post, let me introduce my new pet, I've just adopted it, his name is thinky:

In a few posts he will have his place somewhere in the sidebar.


bLaN said...

PriMo! De ToDo esTo he LLeGaDo a La conclusiöN de Que TienEs unA Bombilla poR maSCota!! eNTenDí biEn??

0FfeS said...

H¡ C0usin! NoT exActLy, iT's n0t my PeT, it'S the bL0g's PeT. L0L. LiKe a s0Rt of gUarDIaN.

TheBoqueron said...

This forum looks like it needs a PUSH to get it going again...
Awaken it from its summer slumbers and bring it singing and dancing into autumn.
Maybe give it some Royal Jelly - stimulation for body and mind ;-)